Surface Planers

Reliance Machinery Pty Ltd in partnership with Houfek

If you are looking for the best, look no further than the Houfek range of surface planers. Both models are available in 430mm and 530mm working widths, the SR model is a production machine with a top quality build. The R model is a premium machine featuring a SUVAMATIC cutterhead guard and powered infeed table adjustment with table top electronic dial control for instant precision setting. Processing work pieces over 3m long, the R range of surface planers are built for those who won’t accept second best. 

SR Surface Planer

A high performance production machine. Processing a maximum width of up to 530 mm.

R Surface Planer

A premium quality machine for demanding machining and thicknessing of product with a maximum planing width of up to 530 mm.

Our range is continuing to grow

We have access to a wide range of machinery equipment which is suitable for any small business, organisation or government client. If the you are looking for is not featured on our website, please get in touch with us for all your machinery needs.